Monday, February 16, 2009

Intelligent Design vs. Evolution

I believe in intelligent design and that some other, powerful, supernatural, being is the only one that could've been able to create the complex organisms in the world, instead of siding with the theory of evolution. Just as Charles Darwin said, "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” I think this sentence just totally justifies why evolution should only be considered as a theory rather than a fact. Its just that the theory of evolution would mean that every numerous, succeessive, slight modification in an organism created its complex systems, but this just leaves too many mistakes. The result of mistakes makes me skeptical that it would cause even more mistakes. If you get what i mean. I mean, if you believed in evolution and natural selection as the main cause of the creation of complex organims like humans and animals then that would be this process would've taken FOREVERRRRRRR since mutations are not likely to happen in a being. Plus considering that the human population hasn't even been around for that long and that we have not been mutating since we were first created also makes me skeptical to believe in evolution. I mean wouldn't the belief in evolution also mean that there was supposed to be some kind of new mutations changing humans into something new? What happens next, nothing??? I mean if we supposedly went from ape to ape/human to human doesn't that mean its our turn to turn into human/? from some mutation AGAIN? And with the theory of evolution, where is the before theory explaining where the smallest one celled organism came from? What created the mutations possible in human beings? What created the ability of natural selections?

I do believe in natural selection and some part of evolution, but i don't base it as my belief as the complete creation of the complexity in organisms that survives to this day. I really do think that there has to be some higher being that already had this all planned out, every little bit, because it is way too complicated for a theory to say that it was created out of a bunch of mutations that came from nowhere. I mean who created the basis of all that? That is why i believe in intelligent design. That something higher with the intelligence that goes beyond humans can grasp, created all of this beforehand and made natural selection so that we could adapt and grow. Sure the belief in a God like that would require extreme blind faith and would throw away all the other assumed theories of the Big Bang theory and the Evolution theory but i just think that for evolution to happen there must've been a million lucky mutations involved, and nothing is ever that lucky.

i'm sorry if this isn't really factual.
i just felt like going on about my opinion based on my emotions. so i guess its a claim of value! lol.

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