Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Galileo's Daughter

Galileo's daughter was essential to his writing because for one thing, she kept him alive long enough to write the book and she also acted as his editor. Maria Celeste was a dutiful Italian daughter who did all the chores like laundry, cooking, cleaning and basically took care of Galileo. Galileo had also complained a lot that he had many maladies and she would create herbal medicines to give to her father. I think that without her remedies then Galileo would've died even before the Pope had given him "permission" to create a book for his theories. She would constantly look after him and in her letters she would urge Galileo to stop spending so much time in the garden but learn to watch over himself as well. When Galileo was being questioned by the Inquisition she suggested that it would be wise to just tell them what they wanted to hear and save himself from being burned alive like Bruno. Lastly, and most importantly Maria Celeste had also been the editor for Galileo's book. She prepared the manuscripts and edited them even though she had not been educated. Maria made it easier for Galileo to finish his book on his theories that would end up changing the world of science and belief forever.

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